May 27th, 2024
Taking care of your oral health involves a daily regimen of brushing, flossing, and rinsing to prevent tooth decay and bacterial infections. Though you may have asked us which toothbrush to use, few patients at Payne & Boatner, DDS ask about mouthwash. However, different mouthwashes you might choose will have varying effects on your oral…
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May 27th, 2024
Fear of going to the dentist is more common than you may think. That’s why Dr. Glenn Payne and Dr. Charles Boatner and our team want to make your visit as relaxing as possible. Your anxiety about pain or routine procedures doesn’t have to stop you from visiting our Keller, TX office; we offer various…
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May 8th, 2024
Have you ever wondered why some people have dull and yellow teeth, while others have bright, white smiles? It’s not luck. Everyone’s teeth naturally dull over time because of aging and the contact our teeth experience with staining foods, such as chocolate and coffee. However, teeth-whitening treatments can give you the whiter smile you’ve been…
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May 8th, 2024
Mother’s Day is around the corner, and if you’re looking for some different gifting ideas for one of the most important people in your life, we have some suggestions for you. Here are a variety of gifts large and small tailored to your mom’s interests and chosen to support her dental health. After all, that’s…
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